Sunday, August 29, 2010


In the game of golf an informal player is often granted a second chance to improve the shot, it’s called a mulligan. Sometimes life gives us the same chance, to take another shot at things, which it has offered before, perhaps to improve or achieve what we haven’t been able to in the past. But I couldn’t help wondering, if what we wanted in the past, wasn’t really what we needed in the first place? I know the sentence makes but a little sense. My whole life has been a story of second and third chances, not that I could’ve not achieve it, if I really intended, but I was ambivalent about things and it took me time to make up my mind and by the time I’d done that, the train had left the station, but no regrets. A boy’s dream is always to see his father proud and approve of him, so has been mine. I always felt that; I was being compared to this or that cousin of mine in the family. My father had a dream, to see me as a doctor one day, clichéd I know, quite contrary to any field what I’d have chosen for myself, I perused his dream anyway, but somewhere along the line I lost all mine, of course I never became a doctor, but somewhere down this path of abstinence, I found myself. As the time passed, so did his constant mentions of my cousin joining the med line and becoming a doctor, it got me wondering perhaps he’d have been his son instead of me. During the course of time, however, this whole second chance thing got me thinking that even if I were given a chance to become a doctor, I wouldn’t! because it is not my calling. But few days back when my father introduced me to his friends and the pride he felt in introducing me for being merely his son got me thinking perhaps one doesn’t need second chances to get the approval of their loved ones. Rather it’s following your own heart and coming to yourself that matters the most. I cannot speak for you all, but it certainly has for me.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Say it right!

One thinks years and years of experience would actually let one know, how to, and what to say at the right time, but alas no! It’s not like I can’t tell right from wrong but there are moments when I feel like telling the other person ‘just shut up’ or ‘get out of my face’ but the common courtesy and growing up just thwarts me to act in such a manner. Of course, considering ajj kay halat when every teen is a fine copy of American liberalism ( of course without they knowing what they are representing, because they are just being ‘cool’ or following the fad) I hear nonsense all the time, girls calling each other bitches or guys calling each other dogs, assholes , mo’fucker ad infinitum. To be honest, I have no issues with they calling each other whatever they deem right, but how in this macrocosm do you tell them they are barking up the wrong tree when they try to pull a similar trick on you? Do you respond politely and tell them to buzz off, or do you simply ignore them? I had similar situation in my freshman when a nineteen year old tried to pull up a trick of the simple sort, I was completely mortified and in retrospect, it’d have been better to punch him right in his audacious face, but I moved on and ignored him. But this very question still irritates me sometimes, why can’t I be extreme obnoxious to person when I want to? Who’s obviously being horrible…and what’s the terrible Punjabi theater kay jokes! So kitschy and redundant…just to bring this post home, I am going to leave you guys with a thought, it’s not that I am uptight or self righteous, but some things are part of our culture and I like those things, etiquettes and manners for one are the things I hope to carry forward in my life and if that makes me old school, so be it! At least, I know how to say it right!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love matters?

They think being proposed to maybe the highest form of flattery and it may be so…what if before embarking on a relationship one feels a thwart. I remember making fun of the movie ‘the runaway bride’ ; about a woman who’d a phobia of getting married, and I often thought for a movie maybe it’s a good story but in real life perhaps this can’t be! But in my experience of years, I haven’t been able to commit, not even once! The minute people begin to come to close, I move away… The second someone says the most common place sentence in the world ‘ I love you’ I respond immediately, ‘but I don’t feel the same way, I thought we’re just friends’. I have rather undertaken a journey of celibacy without even knowing it. Some of my every close friend, think that I lack the very organ that makes one fall in love, that maybe so but I couldn’t help but think that is it so important to fall in love and have kids and get married. Perhaps the pressure of society is more on women but men in this society are not left alone too. The constant questions of this ‘deviant behavior’ is often badgering, must everyone follow the models set by the society? Besides who is to say, in what form and when ‘love’ might come one’s way. It also makes me wonder is it mere a myth or something real. Is it something one ought to do? like getting graduated, getting a job and getting married? My only consolation in this context is that most of the people in this part of the world are neither graduated nor employed…If this deviant behavior is acceptable by the society then people like me, who stand on the shores of love and never take a dip to soak themselves may also be!