Sunday, November 29, 2009

Rendezvous with Dr.Arfa Sayeda Zehra, Chairperson, National Commission for Women

I want to thank Dr. Arfa Syeda Zehra for taking out the time to let me interview her. She is an inspiration for many people in this country. She has been the Chairperson for National Commission on the Status of Women. Previously, she was teaching at LUMS now-a-days she is teaching Formanites and I want to thank her for taking that decision.
Me:What is Pakistani Culture to you? Why is there a lacuna between the traditions followed by different families although we live in the same country?
Dr. ASZ: It’s difficult to answer this question but culture is not made up of history or geography. You and I like to eat bhutta or rice because that is the aura of our land. I would like to recount an incident over here to explain this point, I went Mohenjodaro with my friend and while we were at the platform we asked for roti and the roti that we were provided with was made out of grounded rice! So coming back to your culture question, we are a great kill-joy-nation. We can not be happy and we can not see anyone happy! We love to see people in misery; we like to sympathize with people, why? Because we don’t know compassion, we only know pity. So for me, culture has three components, the values that you believe, the history that you share with certain someone and the geography. Have you ever heard Pashto, it almost makes the sound of stones rolling down from the mountains. If you move to North Punjab it feels that as if sersoon is blossoming when someone speaks. Whereas it feels like air is blowing in a desert when someone speaks in South Punjab. You see how accents and intonation changes with geography. Now these days, people blame Aishwarya Rai for destroying our younger generation. I like her. She is the second most beautiful face from subcontinent, the first being Madhubala. Who was handicapped in a way because in those days they did not have access to colored screen or computure techniques
Me: Then the western culture can also infuse into ours and can become a part of our culture too?
Dr. ASZ: If we don’t compromise our values! truth can also be spoken with pants and shirt on; there is no attire of the truth.
Me: Madam to what extent can we accept the western influence?
Dr. ASZ: Anything that credits your value system; we have modesty, we used to have decency, we used to have protocol. Hey dad! I am not willing to accept that but even now we call our fathers ‘Aba’ with love. I’ll tell you something very interesting. My sister’s children are trilingual. Their father, however, only responded to them when they spoke in Urdu. One day his eldest son tried to converse with him in English and he did not register him. His youngest son said ‘Bhai, Aba is very mean he will only respond when you’ll talk in urdu’. I would like to emphasize this point that language is your cultural reflection all the sophistication and priorities are reflected through your language. Two leaders of Pakistani nation Iqbal and Jinnah both were educated in the west, but did they work for the interest for the west or the interest of the Muslims? Did their western education stalled them in any way to dispose their liabilities? Hindus never got out of the subcontinent but we ruled Spain, and of course we brought bits of their culture back too. No one in Europe sleeps in the afternoons expect Spanish people. Everyone is familiar with the Spanish siestas. So, basically culture is check of the denominator for defining your values. If I am modest, I will remain so no matter what dress I wear and I can be very kitschy wearing Salwar Kameez and it can be an eye sour.
Me: It is a grim time for all of us; do you see any ray of light at the end of tunnel?
Your generation! I confess to be a failed generation and I take responsibility for it. It’s the burden of my sins that you people are bearing. If we had ever thought about you as part of our future we would have not done what we are doing right now.
Me: How can ‘we’ bring a change?
You do not have to do big things all the time to get big results. It is always very small things that give you big results. You can bring change in things by not doing wrong yourself. No matter how much the pressure is or what loss you may have to incur.

Fashion Patrol

Ok people of FC, Winter time is here and its time to bring out your scarves, jackets, sweaters, etc etc to keep you warm. Now, these days basically shirts are going slim, although the classic formal shirt never goes out of style but slim fit shirts are really in Vogue these days. The collars are getting Slimmer, no more Dracula like collars, slim and pointed collars to go with slim ties. Yes, that’s right Ties are going slim, slim ties are back, say goodbye to broad ties, its time for ties to get slim and sexy as well. Striped and printed Ties are what you will see this year although Checks are running strong (they never seem to go out!).

Coming over to scarves, nothing completes the winter look like a good scarf, either hanging loosely or wrapped up tightly around your neck, they provide warmth and give you that extra touch of style as well. This slim craze is getting everywhere, gone are the boot cut jeans or the baggy styled ones, it’s all about fitting and clinging to your skin. Trousers as well should be slim and straight these days preferably in darker colors for winters. You can finish your complete look by sporting on a nice jacket, preferably a two button jacket and that just completes the whole look.
Colors which designers offer for men this season are mostly dark: black, grey, brown, deep green, etc. They are practical and always look stylish. However, for those who love to stand out there are a few bright fall hues: orange, red and burgundy. And there are two tones which look exceptionally beautiful in fall and winter – white and beige (however they are difficult to wear in winters), even bolder colors, aurora red and teal, are in. Other colors which might intrigue you would include camel, leather, rust, walnut and pumpkin (warm brown and golden tones), earthy tones olive green and khaki, light reflecting colors burgundy, pale pink and beige.
Etiquettes for wearing suits:
First of all, if you are wearing a three button jacket, only the middle button has to be closed, for a two button jacket it’s the top button that you should have buttoned up, when sitting down you should unbutton your jacket and when standing button it up. Double-breasted suits are kept buttoned.. With single-breasted suits you have the option of leaving the jacket open or buttoning it. Secondly when you select the tie to wear make sure that it does NOT match the color of your shirt, it should as a rule be darker that your shirt or should be in contrast. The socks should match the leg of the trousers, yet darker than the trouser shade. If you cannot match the trouser color, match the shoes. They must be over the calf and made from cotton or wool.
Lastly, consider the accessories worn with your suit. There are a few basic considerations here. Your belt should match your shoes. The only jewelry worn with a suit should be cuff links, tie tack, and a watch. Though not very common now, some men carry a handkerchief in their upper chest pocket. That's all the basics for suit wear in today's day and age. Now you can avoid some common mistakes and blunders and look your best.
By Nabeel Hassan

China Road:A Journey into the Future of a Rising Power by Rob Gifford

Just like everyone, I thought it was simply a story about someone’s trip to China. But the more I read, the more amazed I am with how much the author knows the existing problem, or threat that government of China has to deal with in this time of big shift. We laugh at the products which are ‘made in China’, it is cheap, you might say. But there is no doubt that China is one of the strongest newly rising countries, no one will doubt about it…or will they? This book brings you the deepest report on the real China. The author, who is a British reporter, has peeled of layers of superficial glamorous, or what we call ‘Chinese pride face’. This is something you definitely cannot miss if you are interesting in the markets of China as a business student. You need to know the history, psychological mindset, culture, problem, fear and people’s needs. It feels like I am re-studying Chinese/ geography/ history/ social study class at the same time, only I can see the real pictures in my head. Thanks to the book.‘If you have only seen Shanghai, you will leave with no doubt in mind that China is the super nation’,written in chapter 2. Recently I had a chance to visit Shanghai and I had to say it is so modern that you hardly believe Taiwan’s ex husband looks like this now. ‘Since when did he become so stylish?’  I personally love Shanghai very much because people are so friendly and unusually polite. I was asking direction from a lady and she walked me all the way to the destination. When she knew I was from Taiwan, she smiled and said ‘Isn’t Shanghai beautiful?’ That was not the common over-confidence you see everywhere in China. Shanghai has class. How can you possibly think China is a ‘communist country’ when you see all the fancy cars, international brands, 5-star hotels and so many other restaurants. It is extreme capitalist. There is so much freedom! But thank God, the rest of the 1.3 billion Chinese people are as confused as I am, and plus you, who is reading this article and trying to figure out what is written in the book.
There is another paragraph from the book(chapter 4), ‘China used to be a victim, no doubt, and it was for a very long period being oppressed by western countries and Japan. However, China now has super power economically, diplomatically, and internationally. Yet it still thinks it is a victim. Most Chinese people feel in that way and I seriously don’t know how will help them change. They are confused. As a nation it has been in failure for too long and it is now lost in the current victory. It is like a fan of Boston Red Socks suddenly sees it wins the world champion. ’ It is very true. China was way ahead in technology than other countries in the history, it had its proud and suddenly when British came with cannon, all of that glory was gone for about a hundred year. Mao-Ze-dong was a good leader, who carried the hopes of all farmers, but he started to do many crazy stupid things that took away millions of people’s lives and also made a irrecoverable damage to the culture. Although it is nothing new for me but I really like the way when the author talks about KMT (Kuo-Ming-tang). Yes the revolution was done but the administration was not prepared to manage the whole big China, and Mao-Ze-Tong came and changed the status of women and improved the sanitary level. Actually it is the whole tone of the book. He is not trying to judge, but to illustrate what happened and what is happening now.
The author started his trip from Shanghai to Kazakhstan though Route 312. The book has recorded the conversations he made with the local people in every stop he made. Sometimes he had to travel in bus too and it just added so much spice to the book! It is just so real and fascinating that I feel the need to share with you about this book, if you want to know about Chinese. I saw people gave 4.5 out of 5 stars on the Start your journey to China with Rob Gifford and find out where China is heading. By Cindy

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Great reviews of books on Twitterature only in 140 characters! Now that is what I call terseness.Really fuuny. 

Review: Shot down and stranded, a group of boys try to play nice... but boys will be boys.

Read more at: