Friday, February 27, 2009

Brotherhood of Islam!

We are the members of the brotherhood of Islam, in which all are equals in rights dignity and self respect. Consequently we have a special and a very deep sense of unity. But make no mistake about it Pakistan is not a theocracy or anything like it.These were the words uttered by the man, who is now considered to be the father of Pakistan on February 19, 1948. Who is revered and celebrated by all Pakistanis, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, but I am sure people will think twice before citing this statement. Pakistan was supposed to be a haven for the Muslim community from the prejudice of a predominantly Hindu society. Pakistan was never supposed to be a Theocracy. Had it been the case, it’d not taken 25 years for the political forces to decide its name. But, I can vouch that this is not the Pakistan, Jinnah had envisage. Pakistan has seen many forms of governments from dictatorships to pseudo democracies. But, nothing has worked; we need to re-evaluate our way to approach things. This by no means a secret, that the cause of Pakistan has been high jacked by the clergy. And the political forces manipulate people under the grab of religious doctrines, whenever they deem it suitable. Consequently people only respond to authoritarians. People who hold secular views are always considered to be subversive and incendiary agent of hell. People are incited to do things because they are told that it is God’s decree. I am by no means, suggesting that religions are to be blamed for the adverse state of Pakistan. However, a state should never endorse any religion and try to be as impartial as possible. If Pakistani Government can become more tolerant to the different opinions and different school of thought, this can instill a very good example for general public to follow.The greatest right in the world is the right to be wrong. Harry Weinberger.

Pakistani Political Doldrums

With exacerbating political circumstances on the political front, one wonders, why Sharif brothers choose such a bad time for a popular agitation? Yes, yes I know they have had a history of toppling toddling governments before, but considering what’s going on in FATA and Swat where is general political prudence in burning tires and cars? As we all saw Nawaz making rhetoric in Sheikhpura, I wondered why all the promises for electricity and economic prosperity sprouts up when they are canvassing or inciting people to ‘Sarkoon pay nilkaanien’? I know that Zadari is not the man we want as president; he is corrupt, unpopular and lets be honest the guy doesn’t deserve to be a president of some obscured company, let alone a President of a nation! But, having said all that, do we really want yet another coup de tat? followed by a so-called ‘struggle for democracy’? followed by an ass finally becoming the next president of Pakistan? Considering the circumstances, if the Sherifs really did care about Pakistan as they say they do, ‘I am not here for my personal objectives, I am here to save Pakistan' said Nawaz in reverberating voice , then they would look for middle grounds and not ‘the Sarkain’.


The strife of soul with; with my flesh
Eevery tendon my body shackles its rush
What consummation does it yearn?
That I have yet to learn
The embryonic cord that links them
Feeds my soul; bit by bit
Like an infant, born from her mother's womb
So will my soul
After my body's dome