Saturday, October 31, 2009

Constant Dreamer

I dream of thousand dreams
Dreams yarn together by fibers of day and night
When a new day dawns
I dream about mundane reality
When the sun sets
I dream about a magical place
Yonder north
A green meadow with rills and spills
And In my dream
I fall asleep under a rustling tree
As the night advances
I am surrounded by thousands of ghost and ghouls
They dream of vileness and destruction
And want to sell their dreams to me
But I dream away from these nasty beasts
To the morbid dream of reality again
To find 115 people with shattered dreams
That will never be dreamt again


  1. Wowie.... man that was awesome.... Great piece of poetry

  2. Thanks Nabeel. We are wroking on a lot of stuff for the blog. In the coming days hopefully it will get better.
